Grilled corn on the cob is an epic treat in itself, but when you add the summery fl avors of cilantro and lime, this classic becomes even more tempting.
Serves 6
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
6 ears of corn with husks
⅓ cup salted butter, softened
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon lime zest
Fine sea salt, optional
Peel back cornhusks and remove silk. Close husks and submerge corn in cool water for 10 minutes. Preheat charcoal or gas grill to mediumhigh. While the grill is preheating, mix to combine butter, cilantro, lime juice and zest and set aside until needed.
Remove the corn from the water and place on the grill. Grill for 15 to 20 minutes, rotating oft en. By the end of cooking the husks should be charred when fi nished but if they seem to be blackening too fast during grilling, move the corn to a cooler spot on the grill.
Allow corn to cool a little before removing the husks. Spread corn with the cilantro butter and serve.
MEREDITH STEELE is a recipe developer, food writer, food photographer and author of, an award winning family food blog celebrating creative and fresh foods. Her recipe development and photography company, MBS Recipe Development specializes in multimedia recipe development for commercial and small business who’s clients include everyone from Ziploc® to small wineries. Meredith’s work has been published online, in various print media, and has been nominated for the SAVEUR awards. She can also be found across the pond writing a monthly column for When Meredith is not in the kitchen, she’s roaming Dallas, Texas with her husband, curly-headed pixie of a daughter, and big floppy-eared dog.
- Meredith Steele
- Meredith Steele
- Meredith Steele
- Meredith Steele