Exploring North Texas Wine


north texas wine guide cover

Let’s Hit the Road…

We admit it. Until this adventure began, we didn’t fully appreciate the wealth of wineries in our own backyard. In our defense, new tasting rooms have been springing up like wildflowers across the rolling North Texas countryside. Local vintners continue to receive international accolades, and the best way to sample a winery’s full lineup is to visit its tasting room. Winemakers are passionate about the process and eager to discuss. Walk through their vineyards or savor the views from porch rockers.

Don’t worry about visiting all destinations in one trip. Relax and bond with the area, and it will beckon you back for more. – Terri Taylor, Kim Pierce, Russell Kane

But Before You Go…

These tips, adapted from the Way Out Wineries website, will make your trip safer and more pleasant.

  1. Choose a designated driver. Tastes add up.
  2. Plan to visit only 4 to 5 wineries a day. Otherwise you’re rushed and sloshed.
  3. Bring along bottled water. Staying hydrated is essential.
  4. Bring along some snacks or plan a lunch stop. Many wineries offer food, but not all.
  5. Bring a cooler and some ice packs so the wine you buy doesn’t get warm. Heat ruins wine.
  6. Call ahead, particularly with smaller wineries. Hours may vary depending on the season and unexpected issues.

The Exploring North Texas Wine Guide can be downloaded by clicking on the cover image to the left. Each of the area guides, articles, and more information can be found at any of the pages below:

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Edible Dallas & Fort Worth is a quarterly local foods magazine that promotes the abundance of local foods in Dallas, Fort Worth and 34 North Texas counties. We celebrate the family farmers, wine makers, food artisans, chefs and other food-related businesses for their dedication to using the highest quality, fresh, seasonal foods and ingredients.