Photography Melinda Ortley

1 cup in-shell sunflower seeds, harvested and raw
2 ½ tablespoons kosher salt
1 quart of water
Preheat the oven to 450°.
Harvest sunflowers when the flower head is drooping and the petals around the center are dried. Note — the best seeds come from larger varieties of sunflowers such, as Mammoth Sunflowers. Use your thumb to rub the sunflower seeds out into a collection bowl.
Place seeds, salt and water into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes, then drain the water. Spread seeds onto a sheet pan in a single layer and roast for 20 to 30 minutes (check often and stir so they do not char). When dry and roasted to your satisfaction, remove from the oven and enjoy!
MELINDA ORTLEY is a Fine Art Photographer who believes that every image should stand alone as a work of art. Using the classic medium of film, her goal is to create vibrant, original images that go beyond her client's expectations, whether that client be a blushing bride, growing family, business owner or magazine editor. You can view her portfolio at
- Melinda Ortley
- Melinda Ortley
- Melinda Ortley
- Melinda Ortley