As we are in the process of maybe finding our balance again, I can’t help but breathe a deep sigh and shed a tear for the past year. We are very thankful for those who’ve weathered the storm with their farm and business intact. We’ve had the opportunity to learn much about ourselves, about human nature in general, and about what it takes to carry on. This summer issue has us humbly in awe of the resiliency and determination that keep North Texans moving along, in spite of the challenges.
We’re bringing the summer garden to your plate in this issue with fresh, fun recipes from The Cookery. Our cover image shot by Teresa Rafidi makes us happy and ready to get in the kitchen!
Also in this issue, you’ll find our new Farmers Market Guide with listings of markets in 15 North Texas counties. Some people don’t realize how rich our area is with markets and the amazing quality of local food available to conscious consumers. Many thanks to GoTexan and the Texas Department of Agriculture for sponsoring this Guide. And to Julie Beall for making it look so good!
Thinking about the future of farming, we are inspired by Farmer Ross and the team at Misty Moon Farms with their enlightened approach to bringing community farming to a master-planned development. We hope other developments embrace this idea! We love Ellen Ritscher Sackett’s story and photos from Teresa Rafidi that bring this “farm in the agrihood” to life.
Promise of Peace (POP) Gardens is a shining example of grassroots advocacy, bringing food equity and sovereignty to the West Dallas neighborhood of La Bajada. Trinity Groves provided the vacant lot, and local youth interns plant, care for, harvest, and distribute garden bounty to their community.
Regular contributor Daniel Cunningham catches up with local culinary mushroom growers Adam Cohen and Jordan Jent of Texas Fungus. They were forced to strategically adapt their business model last year when the pandemic hit. Their determination and resiliency kept them growing for farmers markets, and as restaurants continue to recover you’ll see more varieties on local menus again.
And, talk about literally weathering the storm – and recovering with grace – our resilient friends and longtime ad partners at North Haven Gardens are miraculously celebrating 70 years! Hopefully, as we all pick ourselves up and count our blessings, we remember to look out for one another and support the local economy – our farms, food and drink producers, restaurants, and other local businesses. This summer, we encourage you to visit area farms and markets and use your buying power to support the many producers and artisans who make DFW and North Texas a vital hub for all that is local.
Maria Whitworth
Maria Whitworth is Director of Communications for Council for Healthy Food Systems, a non-prot org providing educational workshops for small farmers, giving them the business and marketing skills needed to tap into the growing demand for locally raised, pastured meats, poultry and eggs. HealthyFoodSystems.org
- Maria Whitworthhttps://www.edibledfw.com/author/mariawhitworth/
- Maria Whitworthhttps://www.edibledfw.com/author/mariawhitworth/
- Maria Whitworthhttps://www.edibledfw.com/author/mariawhitworth/
- Maria Whitworthhttps://www.edibledfw.com/author/mariawhitworth/