Photography: Azure Photography

Buttermilk is the cow that I love the most, although she does not like me at all.
3 vanilla beans
6 farm-fresh eggs
1 cup sugar
2 cups fresh or raw milk
1 cup heavy cream
1 dash cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cut vanilla beans down the middle lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Set them aside.
Whisk eggs in a mixing bowl until they are relatively light in color. Add sugar a little bit at a time, whisking aft er each addition. Add milk, cream, cinnamon and vanilla extract; whisk until mixture is fluff y. Pour into a food-grade container and keep refrigerated until use.
If you are serving for a party, add Deer Lease Whiskey (recipe here) until desired strength or flavor. If making a single serving, pour 2 ounces of the infused whiskey into a shaker tin, add 3 ounces of eggnog, dry shake for several minutes, then add a few cubes of ice and shake again. Strain into your glass of choice.
If eggnog is not your thing, the whiskey makes a solid after-dinner digestif with some Fernet and Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters coffee.
- Note: Be sure to call N&P Farm and Dairy (Lyn at 972-658-0291) ahead of time to order heavy cream.
Toby Thomason is General Manager of Harvest Seasonal Kitchen and Board Member of The Seed Project Foundation
- Toby Thomason
- Toby Thomason
- Toby Thomason
- Toby Thomason